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Turku, Finland
TechTurku Week 2023

Thu. 9.3.
ICT Showroom &TEEMA-seminar

9.00 - 10.30

Teema 2023 -seminaari:
Vihreä ICT kilpailuvalttina

Turun kauppakamarin ICT-valiokunta
ICT-City, auditorio Delta

Seminaarin ensimmäisen puheenvuoron pitää Googlen Suomen maajohtaja Markus Hongisto, jonka aiheena on digitaalisen CO2-jalanjäljen pienentäminen, kestävät arvoketjut ja ESG-datan hyödyntäminen. Tietoyhteiskunnan kehittämiskeskus ry:n (TIEKE) Antti Sipilä kertoo ICT-laitteiden kierrätettävyydestä sekä laitteiden kiertotaloudesta ja käyttöiästä.

Seminaarissa julkistetaan myös Turun kauppakamarin ICT-valiokunnan myöntämä Vuoden ICT-teko -palkinnon saaja sekä julkaistaan vuosittaisen ICT-kyselyn tulokset.




Technology that helps you do more for the planet
Markus Hongisto
Suomen maajohtaja

Kauppakamarin ICT-kyselyn tulosten julkistus

Vuoden ICT-teko -palkinnon voittajan julkistus

Esimerkkejä vihreästä ICT:stä
Antti Sipilä

tilaisuuden päätös
10.00 - 16.00

ICT Showroom

Showroom and exhibition:
ICT City
Joukahaisenkatu 3

Pitch finals & award ceremony:
EduCity, Taidon portaat
Joukahaisenkatu 7

ICT ShowRoom
is an exhibition and competition, in which students present their project work done during the past year.

ICT ShowRoom is organized jointly by Turku University of Applied Sciences, University of Turku, and Åbo Akademi University. The participation is open for all students of the organizing higher education institutes who have worked with projects connected to ICT-connected topics.

ICT ShowRoom Afterparty hosted by SHIFT/Boost Turku

@ SparkUp



Doors open

Greetings from the organizers: Turku Science Park, SHIFT and Boost Turku

Introduction of VSTKY and Tivia

Getting a job in the AI field
Juho Vainio

17.00 -

Turku.ai Meetup

AI in creative fields with a panel talking about IPR

Registration @ Meetup

AI is widely used in practically every business area and also in creating art as well as various tools helping e.g. the music and the gaming industries. There are naturally IPR related questions as well as questions regarding if AI generated art is art.
We will have speakers from TurkuAMK and the gaming as well as from the famous Sibelius Academy with us. A panel will discuss AI usage and art related questions e.g. IPR.

19.00 - 19.30Live music

Six Burner Cooker
plays rock covers (you might recognize some of the members from the TechTurku circles!)

Closed since 10 March 2023
Turku, Finland
Organised by
Finland 306
Taiwan 23
United States 2
Spain 1
India 1
Austria 1
Romania 1
Estonia 1
Ukraine 1
Türkiye 1
Italy 1
Tanzania, United Republic Of 1
Poland 1
Lithuania 1
United Kingdom 1
Total 343
Private Company 178
University or R&D Institution 97
Public Organization 32
Start-up 19
Other 12
Association/Agency 5
Total 343
Profile views
Total 1663